1- Leia a tirinha e responda as questões: a)Escolha e circule a palvra que descreve o assunto do texto: Entertainment- News - Shopping- Disease- weather d) O homem está se sentindo: Good- Nervous- Glad- Bad. c)Is he in good health? d) What he asks Garfield for? e) Does Garfield obey his owner? 2- Coloque as palvras na ordem correta: a) Were - Hospital. You - At? b) Medicine- Take-You- Did- The ? c) Exercised- Morning-Have - You- This? d) Much-You- Did- Feel - Pain ? e) Flu- Got- She-The-Has? 3- Completre as frases com as palavras abaixo: Sore- Eyes- Headache- Broke -Pain -Move -Arm- Leg- Allergy a) I my last week b) I spent all day at the computer so I have​​

1- Leia a tirinha e responda as questões: a)Escolha e circule a palvra que descreve o assunto do te